Mar 20, 2014

Magical Pearls

Pearls symbolize Feminine Wisdom, Purity, and Spiritual Transformation, Charity, Honesty, and Integrity, all the best within us. Pearls provide a clear vehicle for the advancing states of wisdom, as well as a clean channel for receipt of spiritual guidance. They lift your spirits and make you feel calm and beautiful, set your heart and mind in focus, meditation, and serenity.
The pearl is a lunar symbol, also representing water and woman.

Mar 1, 2014

Rose quatrz, pearls and moonstone love

I really am loving rose quartz and pearls lately, especially together! Both of these natural stones have cooling, soothing and calming strong female energy..for their properties are corresponsive to feminine qualities, especially pearls :) 
Here is why:

Hands are awesome!

Being in touch with my body is a habit and practice, at the same time. I love to use my hands for settling my mind on tranquility, it is useful for me to come back to my inner self, and my two hands and always remembering about Jnana mudra are great for this...:)

Jnana Mudra