Aug 31, 2010

You name it

Yesterday I made first batch of labels for Earthia! Yay, they came out amazingly old and yellowish, with nice slight crinkle - they really look like old paper, and that was the idea! With the next round I'm going to take the pictures of the whole process. Twine rope for hanging, me thinks...  
Of course, there is going to be hand writing on each of them, personal touch, no more no less! ;)

Aug 30, 2010

I, my Summer, and not yet Fall

It is this time of the year, when you can almost smell Autumn... It is not here yet - the day is still long, the sun is hot and the legs are bare. In my mind I see colors of both, Summer and Fall... I see flowery patterns and warm cozy sweaters and boots, I see freedom... I feel bright! :)
(The moccasin boots are astonishing! They're one of a kind, vintage creations of time and craftsmanship... I found the image of them at vintage store. The dress is from there as well. )  



Aug 29, 2010

The Rug!

This colorful rug has been in the making for several months already, and the reason is - it is made out of unwanted old t-shirts, so it takes time to accumulate more and more shirts from friends and family. It is still not the size I want it to be.. slowly, like turtles move, the knitting goes... ;)

Textures, patterns....

Closet cleaning went wrong right!  Piled up scarves.

Aug 28, 2010

I felt the facination!

 Nuno Felting, have you heard? All of these creations are made, using "nuno felting" technique, which utilizes wool fibers, fabric and trims. I want to try it! 

Here's a tutorial, shared by Ray-chel, very simple. Thank you Raychel!

the above items are from Vilte

Weekly inspirations

Scarf Face... the same as the back! My favorite garter stitch makes up a wonderful pattern out of one of my favorite yarns, that I'm using for knitting the longest scarf evah! Lyon Brand Landscapes yarn in "Autumn Trails" has wonderful texture of colors, so perfect for any season, if you ask me ;) 

I couldn't really knit with regular size needles, they were too long and I was moving too slow, so I used some laying around rubber bands, the ones that hold together bunched-up broccoli and salad greens at a grocery store. Maybe it will be helpful for you too, when in need of short needles with single ends: use 2 sock needles, wrapping rubber bands around one of each needle's end, voila! you have a set of short single-ended knitting needles!

Have a wonderful weekend! ;)