Jun 7, 2011


The reason, why UPCYCLING is the optimal solution for making a change in our consumer habits, that can and will change the world for the better!
(one of the key words for me - anti-corporation. Supporting small businesses, arts and crafts, hand-made; not buying from corporations, refusing to consume mass-produced goods, supporting local farmers, producers and artists, etc.)
Here's a good short video, part 5 of 5 (the rest is easily found on youtube), that speaks about consumerism, as some don't want to admit to be a part of: 

Jun 1, 2011

Etsy shop header, new!

While updating my shop at earthia on etsy I decided to make some changes to the header on the main page as well... some photoshop skills are useful, i thought to myself, picking the right font.. I love the one I have chosen - it is a medieval slavic font, i felt like i have to somehow represent my Russian roots ;) Overall I'm more than pleased with the result, using the pictures taken during Earthia Photoshoot.
Next - self-designed business card! ;)

Earthia Photoshoot

Who is Earthia Girl? - this was the idea of this photo-shooting adventure was ;)
see all the beautiful pictures following the link below, and more to come, stay tuned! ;)
with my Didge, ready to ride the ride haha ;)
Creating the cozy environment ... crystals and all...